A collection of the projects I have both led and done independently.

Amoriem Labs: Undergraduate Game Developers

At my time at Yale, I found myself seeking a community of students who were passionate about what they were doing and worked together to make really cool things. I found this community in Amoriem Labs, a video game development club with programmers, artists, musicians, storytellers, and designers all coming together for their shared love of video games and video game development. I joined the club in sophomore year and in my junior year, started leading projects. I loved spending time and talking with my teammates on these projects - these experiences were a wonderful creative outlet for me and I have met some passionate fellow developers who I have bonded with deeply. Below, you can find the projects that I have led during my time as a team leader and then President at Amoriem Labs.

The Amoriem team from 2023-24.

Echoes of Eternity

The summer after I graduated from Yale, I got an email in my inbox from Unity stating that they were co-hosting their first-ever game jam with TheXPlace. I was super interested and got together a group of five members from Amoriem, including me, to participate in the game jam. We had a week to publish a video game themed around travel. At the end of the week, we published Echoes of Eternity, a time travel twin stick arena shooter. The goal is to last as long as possible against Father Time’s endless forces, with you as the player able to work with previous timelines of yourself to defeat your enemies. We had a lot of fun making this game and were one of the 10 teams selected from 35+ games to present our game pitch to a mix of representatives from Unity and TheXPlace a few days later.

Some Echoes of Eternity gameplay.

You can play our game here on itch.io here!

Diploma Dash

In the fall of 2023, we conducted a poll during our interest meeting to determine which game genres people wanted Amoriem to focus on for the upcoming school year. One of the top choices was the platformer genre. The very next day, we organized a three-hour, fast-paced game brainstorming session where prospective members and club leaders collaborated to conceptualize our platformer game.

We decided on a Yale-themed platformer game called Diploma Dash where the main character is an undergraduate senior racing to complete all their classes on time to graduate safely in the spring. Our key elements were responsive and fluid movement and a highly fast-paced gameplay experience.

In April 2024, we demoed the game to the wider community and received over 50 signups, affirming the community’s interest in seeing this game come to life. During my time at Yale, working on Diploma Dash was a highlight, as it was my first experience creating platformer-focused games.

The Diploma Dash title screen.

Planet 112

Planet 112 was the first project that I joined when I started at Amoriem Labs. The story centers around a pilot from an advanced spacefaring civilization whose spaceship crash-lands on an uncharted planet named Planet 112. You, the player, assume the role of this pilot. The pilot is rescued by an old man who also crash-landed on the planet decades ago and is currently raising a foster child native to the planet. The planet’s ecosystem was ravaged by an unknown catastrophe millennia ago, and the old man’s goal is to uncover the mystery of this calamity.

As the pilot, your mission is to scavenge spaceship parts to return to your homeworld. To explore the region, you must plant seeds to grow flowers and trees in order to re-oxygenate the world, making new areas breathable. Hindering your efforts are mutant pests who wish to eat your plants that you must defend your plants against. While all of this is happening, you are uncovering clues about what caused the planet’s devastation as you explore this unknown world.

(Art by fellow artists on the team.)

The twist revealed at the end is that this planet was once planet Earth, destroyed by a mega-corporation that ruined the atmosphere with toxic byproducts of spaceship fuel in an attempt to escape and colonize a new world a long time ago. Back then, Earth’s natural resources were depleting rapidly, and its economy was in steep decline, forcing the mega-corp to use their last resort to save the remnants of humanity.

The reason why I joined this project was that the storytelling aspect of the game captivated me. I could visualize each of the characters and how they would react to the different events from the plot. Using this sense of connection to the characters, I worked closely with my teammates to create a detailed lore and narrative for Planet 112. The summer afterward, I also developed the core systems for Planet 112 using Unity. This was my first experience with the game engine and provided me with valuable skills in translating game design ideas into code.

A snapshot of Planet 112 gameplay.

From a project director’s standpoint, I am continually awed by the talent passing through this club. I feel eternally grateful to my friends and fellow colleagues at Amoriem for introducing me to the beauty of game design and development. As I move on to the next chapter of my life after Yale, I carry with me the lessons learned from leading projects at Amoriem and starting my own game development journey. In the coming years, I aim to create my own indie games in my free time.


In the winter of sophomore year in undergrad, I decided to code an AI to beat the popular game 2048 using the least possible number of moves in Python. I use the word “AI” very loosely here - it just means that I tried many different algorithms to solve 2048. I came up with my own algorithms, some of which failed and some of which succeeded, but the best part of doing this project was the intellectual challenge associated with trying to find the optimal way to beat 2048.

If you download my code, one of its fun features is that you can use any size grid for the game - you don’t have to confine yourself to the traditional 4x4 grid from the official game.

Plague Inc. Processing Recreation

For my final project in AP CS in high school, I worked with Jeremy Lee to recreate a skinned version of the popular game Plague Inc. using Processing (a Java-based IDE for visual design and electronic arts). We decided to turn the map in-game into that of the Pokemon League. Plague Inc. is quite fun, I recommend you try it!

Aeroplane Chess Java Recreation

For my final project in Intro CS in high school, I worked with Michael Lin to recreate a skinned terminal-version of Aeroplane Chess using Java. Aeroplane Chess is a popular Chinese board game that I played a lot as a kid (if you’ve ever played Sorry, it’s similar to that).